12C Operative (advance sign vehicle driver) Course

The course is of two-days duration consisting of approximately 12 hours instruction and practical exercises
with the trainees.


At the end of the session delegates should:-

Be aware of sector schemes and general health and safety at work
Be aware of reference documentation relevant to Mobile Lane Closure Techniques.
Be able to conduct pre-works checks on MLC advance warning vehicles and trailers.
Understand the roles and responsibilities of MLC operatives
Understand the principles and practical techniques when using the Mobile Lane Closure Technique

The topic areas to be covered are:-

Quality assurance and sector schemes
Training and assessment requirements
Health and safety legislation
Reference documentation
Vehicle and equipment specification and maintenance
Communications roles and responsibilities
MLC principles and practical techniques

Training Programme:

Day 1

This consists of the delivery of the power point presentation and theoretical instruction using desktop models where applicable to demonstrate the principles when using mobile lane closure techniques.

Day 2

Consists of practical on site training putting into practice the areas of theoretical training covered on
day one. Instructors will require the assistance of a qualified 12C Supervisor to drive and operate the Block Vehicle and a mimimum of 2 qaulified 12C Operatives to accompany the trainees during the practical training.

Awarding Body:

Lantra Awards


Subsequent to attendance on the 12C Operative Training, candidates will require assessment operating MLC’s during live works.  There are 2 categories of qualification as a 12C Operative, these are:

Dual Carriageways without Hard Shoulder

Dual Carriageways with and without Hard Shoulder

A minimum of 6 assessments are required to acheive the full qualification for Dual Carriageways with and without Hard Shoulder (please note that Motorways are Dual Carriageways).