This course is of 1 day’s duration and consists of approximately 6 hours of instruction with trainees, including the end of course test.
Subjects Covered:
The Traffic Safety & Control Officer
Clients, Police, Traffic Officers, Maintaining Agents, Contractors
Highways Act 1980
Traffic Management Act 2004
TSCO Roles, Responsibilities and Powers
TSCO Knowledge
TSCO record keeping
Planning and Controlling the Works
TTRO’s and Roadspace (SRWID)
RCC’s and VMS Signs
Reviewing the TM Method Statement
Assessing Work Site activities in relation to TM plan
Communicating the plan to other parties
Enforcement of the TTRO
Recovery Operations
Abnormal Loads
Emergency Planning and Liaison
Emergency Routes
Dealing with Incidents
Emergency Traffic Management
Organising and coordinating Rolling Blocks
Reporting of Incidents
Assessment and Certification:
There is an end of course examination with a pass mark of 75%. Candidates will be issued with a Lantra Awards certificate and an application form for a TSCO Card.
Additional Notes:
Candidates wishing to register as a TSCO will need additional qualifications as follows:
A full First Aid at Work Certificate (4 day course prior to October 2010 or 3 day course after October 2010)
A recognised Health and Safety Qualification (eg. 2 Day Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme) – See our Health and Safety Section for more details.
12AB Foreman (either registration card or certificate of attendance).